Reaching For The Light

How do I keep light, hope, and love in my heart as I go about my days? Well... I think the answer is simple, really.

I need light to see that there's still hope for the world so that I can build up love and share it with others through the light I can bring to them as I've seen it for myself. It's not easy to find because our minds are so clouded with darkness and mists that we don't know where to turn. But if we focus and hold on, even to a tiny speck of that light, we can find our way through the dark. As long as we keep it inside our hearts, we will never be led astray. We will make mistakes for sure because that's part of life. But if we learn from it and store our insights inside ourselves and use them for the better, we aren't far from the path we've walked on toward the light.


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