Christmas Miracle At Timpanogos Temple Grounds - November 2022

Last November, I felt prompted to walk on the Timpanogos Temple grounds after I finished a hard day at work. Initially, I didn't know exactly why I needed to be at the temple despite being taught & advised that visiting the grounds always has the power to lift wounded or troubled hearts. Yet I had a simple but strong feeling that I needed to be there. As I got to the temple and started walking around, I began to feel an overwhelming sense of light and peace. I even started singing to myself "I'd love to see the temple" and Christmas hymns. Then... As I turned to the night sky, I saw the beautiful bright moon accompanied by a glowing star that shined so magnificently.

As I glared into the clear night sky, I started thinking to myself about a Church message video that was titled "Wise Men Still Search For The Star." Though it's been a long time since I'd seen that video, I reflected on the meaning of the title. I then reflected on the Nativity story and its significance. Before Jesus Christ was born, nobody expected to see a star because they never knew when it'd happen or if it ever would happen. As life brought them so many hardships and greatly discouraged them, some people wondered if there really was a Son of God. However, when they saw the star, they knew that He was there. But it wasn't just a sign that meant He was born and lying wrapped in a manger. He was there because He is the Son of God, the king who would offer peace, love and redemption to the world. The king who would change the world for the better.

As I thought about the Savior's birth and what happened afterward, I realized that the phrase "Wise Men Still Search For The Star" was a clear sentence from the Holy Ghost. It meant that Jesus Christ was the star that we needed. He is the star that we need today. Even though the Nativity happened over 2000 years ago, I feel confident that I can still look up to find what I need to find. Not necessarily do I literally look up to the sky for the stars, but I can also find meaning in the things that I feel and know for myself help me find what I need. The things that lead me to Christ. For me personally, Jesus Christ is my star. He is "the way, the truth, and the light" (John 14:6).

While these were taken around Thanksgiving, I felt I received an early Christmas miracle as I struggled with adjusting to a new job and dealing with my personal issues, including the stresses of preparing for the holiday season. But being there made me realize that I shouldn't worry so much for the craziness and the commercialism of the holidays because they're not the sole purposes of Christmas.
The ultimate gift of Christmas is remembering the Savior's birth & honoring it by giving our time to those who need our love, our support, our friendship, our aid, our wisdom and our compassion because these are what Jesus has given us. Is there any gift that's greater than these?


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