Gator New York

 Beyond the lights of New York City, amongst the herd of ordinary humans walking street to street, there was one being that can almost stand out literally like a sore thumb. Only... He wasn't a sore thumb. If he were a thumb, how would he go about from place to place? I suppose if he were to move like a worm or a caterpillar, that'd be possible. But going back to the topic of the story, this character was not a thumb as we all know. However, he would be a sore sight for some people because he's not your typical man for you, lovely ladies.

    What is he? Well... Um...

    I will tell you what he is. But... You must brace yourself as what I'm about to tell you is real. It's no nightmare, and it's no joke. It's real and it's the truth--the real truth.

    My human friends, this fellow... Is...


    An alligator. An alligator. An ALLIGATOR! It's no joke like I told you. He is an alligator. A real live reptilian blue lizard that roams in the mosquito-infested swamps and can eat anything that fits in his belly when he's hungry. An alligator! I didn't believe it either until I saw him the first time when I went on my stroll through Central Park and he literally walked out of the water pond with a briefcase as if he was doing business. Business with others besides his kind. I even saw him doing business with a cockatoo before that dang bird went on his walkabout. But that's not all! He gives free haircuts to homeless people and they LOVE HIM! Why? Because who wants to go around with long hair & beards when they can't afford to cut them? Now before you interrupt me, I'll tell you his name. Yeah, he has a name! And it's... CHEWBACCA! Alfred P. Chewbacca!


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