The Donkey Keeper (10/31/2018)
Inspired by the story of Pinocchio, young human boys become cursed & condemned to slavery as donkeys working for a cruel & selfish coachman after falling for one of his clever, cunning tricks. Alone & miserable, these poor donkeys long for liberty from this cruel master. But, how would they succeed in freeing themselves without being placed back into his hands after so many failed attempts to do so? Not only would they be alone in this hellish misery, but they would also be bearing it with a beautiful young woman also trapped in unpaid debt to the horrible coachman. Through kindness & affection that she stroked upon the young donkeys, they look up to her as their second mother as they had no one to love & care for them. Through support, both the woman and the donkeys bear each other's burdens and dream of hope for the end of their ordeals.
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