A Purpose Within Us

Why is there so much destruction in the world? Why do some people rejoice in violence, rejoice in seeing people get hurt and suffer their pains? What joy is there in such violence and pain?
           Why does the world tell us lies to turn people against the good that exists in the world? Why does it tell us that being good is bad while being bad is good? Why does it put shame on those who stand out in doing good?
            I believe I know the answer as a Christian. We live in a world where forces of good and evil exist, and we are faced as individuals with the decisions to either follow good or evil. We each have the power to decide our paths. I believe this to be true, even though some other people may not agree. I also believe that we are here to be tested to see if we are worthy to be with God again, to decide whether we want to follow His path or Satan’s path, and where we want to be after we die.
            I don’t write these thoughts to convert other people into following my religion. I only write these thoughts to share with other people what I believe in and let them decide for themselves what they believe in and think of my statements. My hope is to bring some sort of light into their lives and help them overcome whatever challenges they face—whether they are drugs, alcohol, pornography, family issues, personal issues, losses, peer pressure, abuse, any challenges they face. I don’t plan on doing anything big to help someone with their problems because it takes more than one person and more than one day to help them conquer their adversities. To solve world hunger, it takes a fundraiser. To do a fundraiser, it takes multiple persons to make food donations. To make a donation, it takes a person with a willing heart to sacrifice something precious and valuable in their lives to help save another person’s life. It takes more than one person to make the world a better place. To make a difference in the world.

            From the time I was a little girl, I wanted to make the world a better place. It was one of my biggest dreams and my primary goals. I didn’t know how I could change the world because a lot of the famous people I greatly admired for the positive differences they made in the world did big things. I used to think that doing big things is how you change the world and I tried to work my way up to accomplishing those huge tasks. I tried studying biology and wildlife law in college to become a conservationist like Steve Irwin (aka The Crocodile Hunter) because of the love for animals that I had like he did and my admiration with his work in conserving and protecting wildlife. But, some of the classes I took related to that field didn’t work out. They were either too hard or just not the best suit for me. Although, I enjoyed learning some of the topics taught in those classes because of new discoveries I hadn’t found out until later in life. I just didn’t want to become an ecologist or a biologist. I still wanted to become a conservationist, though. Maybe I could become one in another way besides being a zookeeper like the Crocodile Hunter.
            I didn’t know how I could help make a positive difference in the world like Steve Irwin did. Doing big things is hard, I realized. It takes a lot of work, time and passion. When I found out I wasn’t fully interested in becoming a biologist or anything in the biology field, I was feeling confused in what my purpose is. Even when I turned to writing because of my belief that it serves a great purpose, I still wasn’t sure what my purpose was. Or, how I could fulfill my purpose. Steve Irwin had a purpose: preserving, protecting and conserving wildlife. Elizabeth Smart’s purpose: helping to find missing people and reaching out to those who suffered the similar trials she went through at age 14. Stephanie Nielson’s purpose: teaching others about looking beneath a person’s outward appearance.
            Thinking about these amazing people and what they have done, I now realize something. They all share something in common—a purpose. Their purpose is to bring forth good into the world. Not only good have they brought into the world, but also hope & light. I also realize something else.
            I wrote in my journal one day:
I am confident in what my main purpose is in this world. It is to help make the world a better place by being “an example of the believers” (1 Timothy 4:12) to bring forth the goodness and the light & love of Christ that everyone needs. It won’t be an easy mission for me, but I can do it and succeed.

            Sometimes, I still don’t know how I can fulfill my mission. As mentioned before, some people believe you have to do the big things. Including me. But after my experiences in the past, I realized that I don’t have to do big things to change the world. I can still do it, but it’s not the only way to save the world. Sometimes, doing even the smallest things can make a big difference in a person’s life. It can make a big difference in the world.
Rachel Joy Scott, the girl who inspired the foundation Rachel’s Challenge after she was shot & killed in the Columbine Massacre in 1999, was not known for her acts of kindness & compassion by the world until after her death. Before she died, her goal was to help make the world a better place by sharing her love for Jesus Christ and her profound faith in God, and by doing acts of kindness to others. When she was alive, she probably didn’t know how her kindness impacted others or how many people’s lives were touched by her compassionate heart until her death. Before her fate was sealed in the hands of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, she drew her hands on her dresser and wrote in them, “These hands belong to Rachel Joy Scott and will someday touch millions of people’s hearts.” At her funeral, lots and lots of people attended out of inspiration with Rachel’s story. Afterwards, her story was shared worldwide, touching the lives of millions of people. Her family was then inspired to create & establish a foundation in memory of her and called it Rachel’s Challenge, a movement to stand up to bullying, help those who are being bullied and help put an end to bullying by spreading forth kindness & compassion.
I believe we all carry a purpose to bring forth good in the world in our own ways. We just need to figure out how we can do that and make sure that whatever we do to bring that good will actually bring positive results. Do something that will bring good messages. Do it with your talents. Because I have a passion & talent for writing & art, I use these skills in positive ways. I also use my positive characteristics to help others. I do my best to reach out to those in need by being a friend, thinking of them, smiling at them, hugging them and praying for them. I may not get a positive reaction from them or any at all every time I do a good deed like I wish to. But once I do something nice to someone, I feel my heart opening up, warming up and growing a size. I don’t expect to receive a reward every time I do some good, except that my heart continues to grow more. That I maintain my desire to be a good person, for goodness brings true happiness. Evil, however, does not. It only brings misery & captivity. It has before, does now and always will. That fact never changes. NEVER.

I believe that we all carry some good within ourselves. It’s only a matter of whether we choose to do good or not. We all have our own paths to choose. I choose to follow a path that will lead me to God, which will lead me to happiness. I choose to follow that path, even though some people may not believe in God, not love Him, or they want absolutely nothing to do with Him. Choosing God’s path means choosing happiness. Choosing Satan’s path means choosing misery & captivity.
I believe if we fulfill our purposes by following God’s path, even if some of us may not believe in Him or worship Him in certain ways that people do, and bring forth His light, we would be making positive impacts on the world. We all have our own ways of bringing light into the world. We all carry that purpose.


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