Why Do I Believe In Compassion?

Why do I believe in compassion? It’s a great form of love that binds the human spirits together once we, as individuals, learn to understand the other’s feelings and empathize with them.
            My inspiration and decision to become a compassionate person came from my experiences with being treated poorly by others who saw me as an outcast and someone less important. It made me feel like I was not special. When I got older, I noticed other people, including people my age, who have felt like they were not important because of how they were treated or the issues they have struggled with. I have noticed people who were feeling left out. Because I experienced some of the similar hardships, I knew how they felt. Because I don’t like the way they and I were treated, I reach out to people out of kindness and try to help them feel like they are loved and know that they are important.
            Sometimes, it’s hard for me to reach out to others because I’m shy, I don’t always know what to say or do to help others, and I’m sometimes afraid of saying something wrong. That is why I turn to the Lord in prayer and ask for inspiration and guidance. Even though I’m shy, I always strive to treat others kindly.
            When I act out of compassion, I feel a sense of unity, warmth, peace, love and joy. It is the feeling I cherish every day because I not only can feel God’s love for those I show compassion to or feel compassionate towards, but I can also feel His love for me. I feel His love for all of us—no matter who we are, what we did or do, what we look like, where we come from or who our parents are. He has a great love for all of us—maybe greater than we imagine.
            One person who has inspired me to be compassionate is our Savior, Jesus Christ. Because He showed kindness and love to all of us and still does through the miracles and the good people we see every day, I am inspired to follow His example. Because He listens to us, knows us, loves us and treats us well, I consider Him my best friend. He is someone who cares for us, loves us, helps us, rescues us, teaches us and leads us. He is someone who considers everyone of great worth, more than we believe ourselves to be. I am happy to follow His example every day, even if it’s hard to show compassion and kindness to people who have treated me poorly or who have said or done things that were very hurtful. But if we allow compassion in our hearts, wouldn’t we be able to rise above our adversaries? Wouldn’t we be able to individually become the bright light that our Heavenly Father wants us all to be?


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