
Showing posts from December, 2020

Gator New York

 Beyond the lights of New York City, amongst the herd of ordinary humans walking street to street, there was one being that can almost stand out literally like a sore thumb. Only... He wasn't a sore thumb. If he were a thumb, how would he go about from place to place? I suppose if he were to move like a worm or a caterpillar, that'd be possible. But going back to the topic of the story, this character was not a thumb as we all know. However, he would be a sore sight for some people because he's not your typical man for you, lovely ladies.     What is he? Well... Um...     I will tell you what he is. But... You must brace yourself as what I'm about to tell you is real. It's no nightmare, and it's no joke. It's real and it's the truth--the real truth.     My human friends, this fellow... Is...     (Clang)     An alligator. An alligator. An ALLIGATOR! It's no joke like I told you. He is an alligator. A real live reptilian blue lizard that roams in the m

Personal Thoughts & Insights: Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Choice

I feel very blessed today is the Sabbath because I had the opportunity to attend Church and renew my covenants with God by partaking of the Sacrament and receive further revelation from Him on how I'm doing and how I can improve myself as a person. Even when I couldn't attend Church in the early stages of the Pandemic, I still had the chance to worship and have Church in my home. Even when I couldn't partake of the Sacrament, I did what I could to keep the Sabbath Day holy. I still do today. Being a religious person, a Christian, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has helped me grow and transform into the person I am today. Some people who hear others say that would think I have it so easy. But that's not true. I've been through so many difficulties my whole life, and there've been times I wanted to give up. Because of my religion, I've been persecuted due to the Church's positions & policies on same-sex marriage and abortion